Upbeater Website Redesign

Image displaying the landing page of the Upbeater website
Project Duration
November 2020 - April 2021
Team Members
I worked under the founder on this project. A co-intern, Daniel Kim, worked along with me for a couple of months on this project before he left the company.
To improve the user experience of the website by making it more simple and intuitive. Eventually, gather more awareness around the services offered by the company and encourage them to request for a meeting.

Project Description

This internship project was aimed at redesigning the Upbeater website to align with their new packaging of services.

My role

My role was to improve the user experience of the website by making it more simple and easy to understand.


Competitor Analysis

We looked at the websites of Upbeater’s different competitors to take a note of what they were presenting well and what could be potentially improved.


We were provided with a target audience map to get a better understanding of our target users and this helped us come up with two personas of our primary target users.

User Persona 1
Persona 1

User Persona 2
Persona 2

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Based on the information I had about the target users and my knowledge about Upbeater, I started off this step of the process by designing the mid fidelity wireframe of the redesigns on Figma. I designed these wireframes to come up with a structure and flow for the redesigns.

Low fi wireframe in light mode
Light Mode Wireframe

Low fi wireframe in dark mode
Dark Mode Wireframe

Usability Testing

I conducted usability tests with five students and three professionals from the startup space. These tests were conducted over Zoom calls which usually lasted 30 minutes for each participant. I asked the participants to share their computer screens and ‘think aloud’ while viewing the above screens. These are some of the takeaways from the tests:

  • One thing that is missing- details about who is going to be working on the project, who are the professionals, who are the students, how it works.
  • Further information about the community may be required, as some users weren’t very clear with how 'community’ relates to ‘pricing’ information and ‘extended’ team.
  • The need for making improvements in the text how clarifying package deals is still necessary.


Keeping the Figma wireframes as the reference, the home page and the community page of the website were made first using X Theme in Wordpress.

Home and Community pages of the website
Visit the entire website over here

I also worked on the other pages of the website :

  • About us page​
  • Our work page
  • Contact page
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Before the Redesign
After the Redesign
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The number of visitors doubled in the redesigned website but the number of users booking a meeting did not increase.


I felt this internship provided me with a big learning curve:

More extensive user research

I would have spent more time researching what information users intended to know which would then convince them to request for a meeting.

The startup experience

Working in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines taught me a few things about time management and project planning.

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